-meph- escreveu:
Tenho amigos praticantes de artes marciais que moram/moraram no Japão e eles dizem que a faixa preta é muito mistificada no ocidente, que lá não existe toda essa aura em cima dela.
Talvez seja por lá não demorarem tanto quanto por esses lados para se conquistá-la.
Boas Meph!
Para se perceber porque é que a conquista do cinto preto no Japão não tem o mesmo significado que para nós ocidentais, tens de viajar no tempo e perceber que o Judo está implementado no sistema escolar japonês desde a década de 20 do século passado. Ou seja, fazer Judo, "percorrer o caminho", não é uma opção, é quase uma obrigação.
Ainda relativamente a este assunto, deixo aqui um post que o Neil Adams publicou hoje no seu facebook. Para quem não sabe quem é o homem, leia e depois vão perceber a importância das palavras e a nova perspectiva, que pelo menos para mim, ele trouxe à questão do cinto preto.
"On the way back from Abu Dhabi I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman sitting next to me. He asked me what I did for a living and I explained to him about my History as a competitor, then as a coach, and then a commentator. After explaining to him that I was a former World and European Champion and Double Olympic Silver medalist he turned to me and said, 'are you a black belt?'
At first I started to smile, even chuckle, but then realised the irony of the question.
When I was 16 years old, receiving my Black Belt (1st Dan) was one of the more important milestones in my Judo career. It suddenly sadden me that I was trying to convey my skill level through my competitive achievements and that I no longer held my black belt in such regard. It was just an assumption on my part and what I felt was not really an indication of my skill level or one I believed would knock this guy's socks off.
It hit home that to many people who do not understand martial arts, the coveted 'black belt' is still seen as the pinnacle of achievements and I guess for many judokas that's just fine by them for that's all they want. How then do we create a gravitas beyond that? How do we now sync, in a system now so diluted, the further Dan grades to that of skill, knowledge and progression of the sport?"