VBB escreveu: ↑19 Set 2017 19:00
Mark Schultz: lutou no UFC9 contra o Gary Goodridge, deu um pau no cara aceitando a luta no dia anterior mas nunca desenvolveu uma carreira depois disso. Nessa época do UFC já era aluno do Pedro Sauer. O adversário do Big Daddy caiu e quando o Art Davie ficou sabendo que ele era campeão aceitou pagar 50 mil dólares, sendo que a maior bolsa daquele edição era 20 mil.
Podcast do Chael Sonnen: Não vou lembrar de tudo, mas a respeito do Schultz ele explicou que estava em Utah (provavelmente em 1991 ou 1992, não recordo agora), ajudando o Pedro Sauer se estabelecer por lá. O JJ não era conhecido amplamente e eles foram até a Universidade fazer um treino "valendo" com os caras da luta olímpica. Pedro Sauer pegou um prof assistente e o Rickson pegou o Schultz que era o top deles. Existe o tape mas pela descrição do Rickson, ao perceber que não derrubaria nunca, deu um jeito de cair por baixo e em pouco tempo o gringo bateu num triângulo. Ficou putaço e começou a lutar "sério" se defendendo e amassando. Em uns 15 minutos Rickson pegou ele de novo e treinaram mais um pouco até pararem exaustos. Schultz passou a treinar JJ desde ali e hj é faixa preta. A descrição do Rickson foi corroborada pelo Chael que já ouviu a história da boca do Schultz. Foi tb questionado sobre ter ou não treinado/lutado alguma vez com o Marco Ruas. Explicou que não pois o Ruas queria bolsa, desafio, evento completo e tempo pra treinar, nisso o Hugo disse que aceitava e acabaram rolando aquelas duas brigas. Chael ficou impressionado em saber que existia um código moral nestas brigas de rua e em academias. Foi mais ou menos isso, alguém que queira complementar pode jogar aí. Abs
Algumas informacoes extras:
Mark foi despedido da posicao de tecnico de wrestling em BYU (Brigham Young University)logo apos a luta no UFC, pois essa na epoca ainda era estigmatizada. E logo depois desenvolveu uma hernia de disco... Imagino os dois eventos tenham desestimulado muito qualquer ambicao de continuar em MMA na epoca.
Sobre a luta/treino com o Rickson, eu coloquei essa entrevista com Mark Schultz, dos meus arquivos, em algum lugar no meio do "Treinos a portas fechadas", mas nao tenho tempo de procurar. Erickson (que lutou com o Murilo) era tecnico de wrestling aqui em Purdue, e tinha me apontado para um web site que a continha na epoca. A tenho aqui guardada comigo nos backups antigos dos discos rigidos mas nao lembro mais a fonte. Provavelmetne ainda pode ser encontrada recontada no Web.
O evento eh contado pelo proprio Mark e eh sempre util conhecer como cada envolvido encarava esses treinos. Nao tenho tempo de traduzir, mas quem quizer se habilitar... divirtam-se. (pela resposta parece que Mark ainda nao treinava com Pedro Sauer na epoca. Tambem notem que Mark esta sendo humoroso no inicio.)
Perguntado sobre o seu encontro com Rickson pelo entrevistador, a resposta abaixo:
"Mark Schultz: I was the head coach of BYU [brigham Young University] and I got a call from a guy who is a student of Gracie Jiu Jitsu. He was responsible for bringing Pedro Sauer to Utah. He gives me a call and says that the greatest Jiu Jitsu Fighter in the world is in town and do you want to fight him? I had heard of Jiu Jitsu but I didn’t know what it was. I asked him what were the rules and he said, “there are no rules!” (Which was a lie of course). I thought that if there were no rules than basically we were talking about committing a homicide. So I said, “Okay, I’ll meet him,” what am I going to do, back down? A week from Thursday I show up and there’s Rickson Gracie in the room and he’s scooting on his butt, trying to hook the head coach’s ankles. His head was shaved all the way back and he had this ponytail like they had in that movie “Kumite”. He had these big thick ears and I was like “this is a tough guy”. He goes “are you the guy?” and I replied, “yeah, I’m the guy” and then I asked “are you the guy?” and he’s like “yeah, I’m the guy.” He goes “what I do is elbow and knee and head-butt and kick, but we’re not going to do that today we’re going to do submission grappling until one of us taps out.” So I’m like oh good, there’s no homicide, that’s good, so I was pretty happy about that. He just stood there and said, “Come on”. No stance or anything like that. So I took him down and I had him in a cradle for maybe twenty minutes. I didn’t know any submissions so I was making stuff up. I was trying to keep my chin down and elbows in, which I learned from judo, but that’s about all I knew because it was all against wrestling rules. He got me in a triangle so I tapped out and I asked if we could again. So went for about another twenty minutes and I held him in a cradle for another twenty minutes and finally grip just gave out and I was so frustrated I was on top of him for so long and nothing was happening so I though I’ll let him get on top of me. I let him reverse me but as a wrestler I brainwashed myself to go belly down so I wouldn’t get pinned so he just immediately pulled my chin up and did a rear naked choke and tapped me out again.
I really like Rickson a lot. He’s a really good guy. He was really complimentary towards me and said I was the toughest guy he had ever gone against and if I was to learn Jiu Jitsu. I was really surprised that I had spent all these years training and wrestling and had never learned the submission holds that he knew and I wanted to learn everything that he knew. So I became a student of his student, Pedro Sauer, he was one of two Gracie Black Belts not a member of the Gracie family. Pedro was under Rickson’s association and Pedro now has one of the biggest associations in the world. Pedro was really cool to me; he let me work out with him for three years, and was really a great technician and a great coach. He was really smart and really fluid and his technique he was the perfect coach for me."
PS: Wow! Procurei pelo texto e o achei em outra pagina que tambem o referenciava como sendo uma entrevista ao site "onthemat" (muito diferente do atual)! Mal lembrava deste site, mas estava sempre nele quando era "jovem". Trouxe muitas memorias.
http://www.bjjee.com/bjj-news/wrestling ... dro-sauer/